Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini profile

contributions member since 3/2/16, 12:15 PM
last connection 10/14/21
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location Sofia , Bulgaria
stats karma 107
votes 9 0

I am working on this project which involves Industruino I/O and proto for end user application and a wireless sensor network to ESP8266 gateway for datalogging and connection to webserver.

The project is still in development.

Any help would be welcome, all kind of projects can be included in this infrastructure.

Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 10/28/20, 12:08 PM 0 with 982 views and 1 vote
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 10/28/20, 12:08 PM 0 with 954 views
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 9/15/20, 1:54 AM 1 answers with 1266 views
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 9/12/18, 1:58 PM 0 with 1644 views
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 9/12/18, 1:57 PM 0 with 1704 views and 1 vote
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 1/26/18, 11:58 AM 0 with 2439 views and 1 vote
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 1/25/18, 5:28 PM 0 with 2099 views and 2 votes
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
on 3/13/17, 6:27 PM 0 with 3580 views


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