About us

Great products for world changing applications

Industruino is a brand of ES Gear Ltd, created by Loic & Ainura, two product designers with a mission to help people make their own products, by creating an accesible platform.

The idea of Industruino started life with Loic's own experience when building an Arduino based RFID access control system in the summer of 2007. Soldering of a barebones Arduino based solution on prototyping board didn't seem the most elegant solution to an affordable permanent system installation, and that's how the first generation of Industruino products was born.

ES Gear Ltd. specialises in the design and manufacturing of innovative electronic automation products. We have a passion for product design and sustainability. We hope that Industruino can contribute to the design and implementation of energy and resource saving solutions.

Products ordered on the website are shipped from Belgium by BTL bv, for fast and convenient delivery.

BTL bv

Bergwegel 38
9820 Merelbeke

Tel: +32 9 391 75 93

E-mail: connect@industruino.com

For any questions or suggestions, or if you are looking for a particular system, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for visiting Industruino. 

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Industruino team

Loic De Buck

Founder, Designer

Brigitte Casier

Europe manager  

Tom Tobback

Asia-Pacific manager

Ainur Orazbayeva


Liu Ming Ling


Vlado Pichenko

Electrical Engineer

Mike Lin 
