Disconnect rs485 for use with GPRS modem

Hello, I try to follow your guide to apply the correct MOD to free up the Serial port for serial communication, but my IND I/O Board is different from the guide spec.

Actually it has a switch near the top board flat cable connector, is this intended to disconnect rs485?

Otherwise what should I do?

Update: I found the chip, it's moved to the bottom side.

Is the pin number still the same?

Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
| 4 1 3
Asked on 9/8/20, 4:44 PM

Hi, the current INDIO has a hardware switch on the baseboard located near the RS485 terminals, bottom position = RS485 active. No extra MODs necessary for any combination of RS485/RS232/modem, just configure the switches.

Earlier INDIO versions may not have this switch, in which case you can follow instructions in the GPRS manual https://static.industruino.com/downloads/manuals/GSM_GPRS_for_Industruino_product_manual_April'2017.pdf

Pin configuration at https://github.com/Industruino/documentation/blob/master/indio.md#rs485

| 1 1 3
Answered on 9/15/20, 1:53 AM

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Asked: 9/8/20, 4:44 PM
Seen: 1476 times
Last updated: 9/15/20, 1:54 AM