We ship Industruino products from our warehouses in Belgium or Hong Kong, depending on the customer's location. 

For Europe, Industruino is shipped by BTL bv through B-Post and DHL. Delivery time is usually between 1-3 days.

BTL bv
Bergwegel 38
Merelbeke 9820

VAT exempt customers in the EU: 

Please fill-in your company details and valid VAT number during checkout, the system should automatically deduct the VAT.

For orders outside of Europe Industruino is shipped from Hong Kong by Cassiopeia Ltd through HK Speedpost and Fedex.

Cassiopeia Ltd
11 Nam Bin Wai, 
Mui Wo, Lantau
Hong Kong

Please note that for deliveries from Hong Kong, you will probably have to pay import duties and/or sales tax (VAT) to your national customs authority when receiving the goods. We deliver the goods "CPT" (carriage paid to) your delivery address, according to Incoterms 2010. Thus responsibility for successful customs clearance and payment of duties and taxes is with the buyer.