voltage drop when flowmeter plugged on a digital channel of an INDUSTRUINO INDIO D21G


I am currently doing a little project with a flowmeter. For some reasons I decided to use a Industruino INDIO to use other components with higher voltage.

However, when I plug the signal cable of the flowmeter on a digital chanel (configured as an INPUT) of an Industruino Indio D21G, I can see a voltage drop (about half of the supply voltage). Thus, I only have LOW state on the industruino.

I didn't have this issue when I was using an Arduino Uno or Mega instead.

I use a common voltage supply for the Industruino and the flowmeter I'm using which is a Titan 800 turbine flow meter.

Does anyone know what could be the cause of that and how could I resolve this issue ?

Thank you, 


John Zaki
John Zaki
| 1 1 1
Asked on 1/9/20, 9:16 AM

Hi, please check if your sensor is NPN or PNP, and have a look at this example for the wiring https://industruino.com/blog/our-news-1/post/industrial-proximity-sensors-for-rpm-40 : you will need a pull-up resistor for NPN types.

Before using a channel as INPUT, it is best to configure it as OUTPUT, write LOW, and then change to INPUT (as in that example's code).

| 1 1 3
Answered on 1/12/20, 11:37 PM

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Asked: 1/9/20, 9:16 AM
Seen: 3580 times
Last updated: 1/12/20, 11:37 PM