Want to use RS232 comms with ethernet module installed
I have an Industruino IND.I/O bottom board on a D21G top board and am using the ethernet expansion port to drive TCP comms to a back end server. All working well, but now I have to be able to talk to an RS232 (Levels at 5v or 3v3) device at the same time. I have scoured the forum but cannot find an answer that doesn't use the expansion port.
I am using Ch1-6 on the digital I/O socket but none of the analogue.
Should I use an RS485 to RS232 converter or is there a way to use the Indio?
Hi, indeed an RS485/RS232 converter is the best option; the digital and analog I/O channels cannot be used for serial communication.
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Asked: 10/14/19, 9:42 PM |
Seen: 1734 times |
Last updated: 10/14/19, 11:32 PM |