Using the EEPROM
The demo code uses EEPROM "cell" 0. Is it safe to assume that all of the EEPROM is available for user data? It looks like there are 4096 bytes available.
Hi Michael,
The EEPROM is on the MCU so we have:
- 32u4 (Leonardo) topboard: 1Kb = 1024 bytes
- 1286 topboard: 4Kb = 4096 bytes
You can check this with EEPROM.length() as you probably did.
Tom, thanks. I hadn't realized the arduino boards had EEPROM memory available for user data. This opens up a whole new world!
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Asked: 9/25/16, 11:01 PM |
Seen: 2931 times |
Last updated: 9/27/16, 3:41 AM |