Updating Industruino Remotely - Using openWRT and Bossac

Is it possible to put Bossac on a device (GLi Mifi AR9331) running Openwrt 18.06?

Does anyone know how to get an operational version on something running openwrt?

I know the recommendation would be to use the TFTP. The problem is this intermittently fails and so the controller enters breathing mode (no TFTP support)

The goal is be able to then is to use the router's openWRT to flash the program onto the controller in this state

This may be related to previous questions particularly this


I appreciate any assistance

Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc.
Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc.
| 4 1 2
Asked on 6/11/20, 7:19 PM

Hi Colin, as far as i understand, that would involve creating a version of bossac-0x4000 for your device, which has a MIPS 24K architecture, so the bossac would have to be cross-compiled to MIPS. at the moment, the source for bossac-0x4000 is not publicly available; i'm checking if we can publish that. that would allow making bossac-0x4000 versions for e.g. ARM (Raspberry Pi) and your device. However, in my experience running extra software on OpenWrt devices is not easy as memory is extremely limited (64+16 MB)

on 6/15/20, 12:41 AM

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Asked: 6/11/20, 7:19 PM
Seen: 1505 times
Last updated: 6/15/20, 12:41 AM