TFTP Issue - fails when mqqt_client.loop()


I can issue the reset (it works) but the TFTP file transfer always times out when I have a particular sketch currently on the controller. 

I have narrowed the problem to the inclusion of mqqt_client.loop()

recreating the problem:

a sketch using PubSubClient library and inclusion of the mqqt_client.loop()

will stop the tftp client from functioning



Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc.
Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc.
| 4 1 2
Asked on 12/16/21, 2:12 PM

I since appear to have solved this just by reorganizing the code - It is unclear how this solved the problem but in the process of diagnosing something changed

Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc.
on 12/16/21, 3:38 PM

This was solved by reorganizing code. Unsure how it was fixed but in the process of diagnosing the problem it vanished

Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc.
Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc.
| 4 1 2
Answered on 12/16/21, 3:39 PM

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Asked: 12/16/21, 2:12 PM
Seen: 1358 times
Last updated: 12/16/21, 3:39 PM