Technical reference sites using Industruino ?

Hi guys and gals,

I know this is not really a technical question, more of the commercial variety (but just keep reading for a couple of seconds more, please).

I am currently looking for technical reference sites you all would be proud of, using Industruino, since we are competing on a major heating / cooling plant control system and the client is quite tempted but, well ... quite a bit uneasy with switching from his initial vision of a Siemens or Schneider centralized, super-redundant system to an IOT-like architecture based on IndIO D21Gs. Kind of difficult to get him to take the jump, if you see what I mean.

What I am looking for is working installations that control technical installations and are if possible supervised through supervising software as an HMI (like InTouch Wonderware, or PCView, whatever ...)

By the way, having somewhere on the site to share this kind of information (reference sheets) between us would be an improvement, I think. By the way, we have 3 Industruino running reference sites (1 in medical, 2 in retail), and a couple more in medical on the way.

Didier, DG2R

| 4 1 3
Asked on 4/9/18, 5:11 PM

Hi Didier,

we at Raindancer monitor, record and analyze operations in the agricultural sector. Currently, we have over 230 Industruinos in the field (literally) all around the world. Over 200 of them are used to control and to monitor the individual water supplies of irrigation operations, complementing or replacing existing remote controls (esp. those mobile network text message based ones with high latency) in a unified user interface on smartphones and web browser based, near-realtime. Around 30 are used to extend the functionality of existing irrigation machinery that would not have any remote control or monitoring capability at all or those that do not suffice the requirements of our users.

These units are usually running 24/7 throughout the season (that is, usually from spring to fall), some even during winter; after an initial learning curve (that is, mostly regarding mobile connectivity — some of our devices are online via m2m routers, others using the Industruino GSM/GRPS-Modem) and mitigating some minor glitches (EM interference from the GSM module's antenna rod to the 14-pin IDC connector, for example), we're really happy with the Industruino, hardware wise as well as with regards to the support provided by Loic and Tom.

Regards, Andreas.

Andreas Windt
Andreas Windt
| 1 0 0
Answered on 4/22/19, 11:04 AM

Hi Andreas, We have a very close relationship with a french company specialized in solar-based industrial hay driers (in fact we use Industruino and Blynk to create their controls and supervisor app). I think you two should talk : you seem to have the same clients and different products. Didier

on 7/8/19, 8:23 PM

Hi Didier
very interesting, we have a similar issue and I would also like to have more evidence of the use of Industruino in real world.
It is a very interesting device and - to my knowledge - is the only one with 4-20mA direct input , galvanically isolated.

This drove the technical choice... still the commercial and - not forget - the support part are important when you want to make a product to sell out of it.

Could I ask where you got those info ? Are those your installations?

My target are some industrial system that need monitoring and transfering data to the web.

Best regards



Paolo Sona
Paolo Sona
| 1 0 1
Answered on 4/14/19, 10:02 AM

Hi Paolo, These are our very own references. We made them all, and some more are coming soon. We have been also working on a web-based IoT platform called Thingsboard through MQTT, and on an Blynk integration. Both work, but the MQTT / Thingsboard is very "fresh" and will need some work to be fully operational by our standards. D21G and 4.20Ma.ker are definitely a great product and a very probable game-changer. No question about that. And I have seen a bunch of 'em. Didier, DG2R

on 4/18/19, 6:19 PM

Hi Didier thanks for answer, interesting the Thingsboard part for IOT. For current project I started to use Thingspeak (mainly since it is free and matlab based) but I would be interested in your experience with Thingsboard. I need to transfer data to an IOT cloud environment, monitor trends ans send alarms; kind of preventive maintenance for industrial equipment.

Paolo Sona
on 4/19/19, 2:31 AM

Thingsboard should interrest you, then. It has direct links to AWS and Azure (in the paying version, too bad). I am having some little problems using one of the basic widgets (the setpoint knob) but the rest seems really easy to integrate with D21G. And we will soon be creating our own widgets, I think. Blynk is efficient, but based on a propriatary protocol and limited to portable platforms, and that's a pity.

on 4/19/19, 4:03 PM

hi, i have put some info on how to use Thingsboard with Industruino in a blog post -- the knob is working to send the value to the Industruino, but i haven't managed to get a value from the Industruino back to the dashboard (e.g. when starting up the dashboard). if interested, probably better to continue the conversation via email.

on 5/3/19, 5:53 AM

Okay, I'll answer it myself, then ...

90 terminal heating coils in a private cardiac surgery hospital (Centre Cardialogique du Nord) - 45 IndIO 1286 - Saint-Denis, France

08 Air Handling units in a restaurant (client wishes to stay anonymous) - 12 IndIO 1286 - La Défense, France

01 Air handling unit and 54 lighting power lines (complete interior and exterior lighting control, mechanical stairs etc...) in a shopping mall (Belle Epine) - 8 IndIO D21G - Thiais, France

11 AHU in the French National Library (Bibliotheque François MItterand) - 11 IndIO D21G - Paris, France

01 Complete 5-lines solar Hay dryer control solution for Zeka (industrial dryer solutions) - 6 IndIO D21G - Le Mans, France

15 Terminal heating control and information gathering units in a 600-rooms building in an engineering school (Ecole Polytechnique) - 15 IndIO D21G - Palaiseau, France (10 more VAV + terminal heating coils to come soon with 4.20mA.kers and a bit of luck).

These are our very own references. Feel free to add some of your own.

| 4 1 3
Answered on 4/10/19, 6:53 AM

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Asked: 4/9/18, 5:11 PM
Seen: 3379 times
Last updated: 4/22/19, 11:04 AM