Sending SMS with the GSM/GPRS module
Hi all,
My GSM/GPRS seems to work fine (initializes properly, card is detected by the CPU, SIM takes the pin number and connects to network, everything peachy-rosy) but seems unable to send Short messages. By the way I did not even try to connect to GPRS for now (I save it for later). I just want to send some SMS when an event occurs..
My program instruction goes like this : FEM_ACTN[0] = modem.sendSMS(TCM_NSMS[0], TCM_DESC[51]);
where :
FEM_ACTN[0] is the result of the "modem.sendSMS" command (returns false every time)
TCM_NSMS[0] is a string : the number of the phone I want to send the message to (I tried +33[7 digits], +33[8 digits], 0033[7 digits], 0033[8 digits], and [8 digits] formats to no avail).
TCM_DESC[51] is the string that I want to send in the SMS, never exceeds 80 characters.
And of course, nothing arrives on the other phone ... Ann, sister ann ...
The SIM card in the module is from one of my phones. It has SMS and data capability, so I don't think this is the issue. The SIM is not blocked.
The CPU is a D21G, a 1.6 version I use for development. I use Mode 1 configuration in the GPRS/GSM module. Nothing is connected to the RS485 port (that will come later too).
Ideas, anyone ?
Didier, DG2R
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Asked: 2/9/18, 8:29 AM |
Seen: 2318 times |
Last updated: 2/9/18, 8:30 AM |