Reading From SD Card

Is it possible to read and write data to the Industrino via txt file? I know the Ethernet Expanison Module come swith an SD card. Can this SD card be used to store infromation, and allow the industrino to access the data then put it in an array? If so, can I get some help?

Wynn Ni
Wynn Ni
| 1 1 1
Asked on 11/14/18, 7:25 PM

Just remember to make sure the SPI speed is below 400000 - the standard IDE configration will not work without this change

Shane van Jaarsveldt
Shane van Jaarsveldt
| 3 1 2
Answered on 12/3/18, 12:03 PM

I use this to initialise the SD if (!SD.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SD_SCK_MHZ(4))) { SerialUSB.print("FAIL"); // Fail } else { SerialUSB.print("OK"); //OK }

Shane van Jaarsveldt
on 12/3/18, 12:07 PM
I keep getting notifications of blogposts I’m not interested in and can not find where to disable this.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Dries Van Craen
+32 472 96 45 50

On 3 Dec 2018, at 13:07, Shane van Jaarsveldt <> wrote:

I use this to initialise the SD if (!SD.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SD_SCK_MHZ(4))) { SerialUSB.print("FAIL"); // Fail } else { SerialUSB.print("OK"); //OK }

Shane van Jaarsveldt
Sent by Industruino using Odoo , access directly to Forum Post Reading From SD Card (678)

Dries Van Craen
on 12/3/18, 12:08 PM

Hi, the SD card in the Ethernet module works as any SD card with Arduino so you can have a look at these doc

| 1 1 3
Answered on 11/14/18, 11:36 PM

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Asked: 11/14/18, 7:25 PM
Seen: 2568 times
Last updated: 12/3/18, 12:03 PM