Pull up resistors for Proto D21G

Hello! This is the first time I come to this forum, hope this is not a very silly question: I am using Industruino Proto D21G for a PID temperature control. I had seen in the documentation that the digital outputs level in Proto was 5V, but my program, already tested in an Arduino Uno board, wasn't working properly. Among other things, I measured the digital output level and found that it was 3.3 V. I searched and saw that to get the 5V level you need to use pull up resistors, but I found no more details. Does anyone know how you can get the pull ups activated? Is it by software, by means of a setup function in the program? Or do I have to phisically add the pull up resistors in my board? In which case, what is the correct value?

Thanks in advance, 


Miguel Abril
Miguel Abril
| 2 1 1
Asked on 9/5/19, 1:21 PM

Hi, you will have to add an external pull-up resistor between the pin and 5V. You can start with a 10Kohm resistor and see if that works with the device you have connected to the output pin. see also https://github.com/Industruino/documentation/blob/master/proto.md#proto-gpio

| 1 1 3
Answered on 9/6/19, 12:31 AM

Thank you very much for your fast answer, Tom. Best regards! Miguel

Miguel Abril
on 9/6/19, 7:27 AM

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Asked: 9/5/19, 1:21 PM
Seen: 1870 times
Last updated: 9/6/19, 12:31 AM