Problem with reading digital pins.
Well i got a few E18-D80NK infrared sensors ( sensors operates on 5v ). that trigers low A pulse on detection.
It works fine with an Arduino Uno (sensors work), I adjusted the sketch for the Proto board with a 32U4
And made some text display output instead of led outputs.
But although i can set ports by connecting them to +5v output or ground, its not working with the sensors.
Does the Proto board also require the Indio library. ? (the website tells it doesnt).
My sketch roughly looks like below ( i removed some of our project related parts)
#include <UC1701.h>
static UC1701 lcd;
bool tracked = false;
int Asensor = 4; // since it didnt work i made this code more flexible so its more easy to change to other ports.
int Bsensor = 6;
void setup()
// at 9600 baud it takes about 960 bytes p seccond ea 0.001ms p character
Serial.begin(9600); //Start serial communication boud rate at 9600
pinMode(Asensor,INPUT); //Pin 4 as signal input sets
pinMode(Bsensor,INPUT); //Pin 6 as signal input
void loop()
// both arrays below are for visual output
String pins [21] ={"00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20" };
String KnightRider[13] = {
" x",
" xx ",
" xxx ",
" xxx ",
" xxxx ",
" xxxxx ",
" xxxxx ",
" xxxx ",
" xxxx ",
" xxx ",
" xxx ",
" xx ",
"x ",
digitalWrite(13,0); //turns the light on of the display it seams
int effect =0;
int effectSign = +1;
int dummycounter;
if (dummycounter%5==0)effect = effect +effectSign;
if (effect ==12) effectSign=-1;
if (effect ==0) effectSign = 1;
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print(KnightRider[effect]); // simple effect to show the code is running, not halting or so.
lcd.setCursor(1, 3);
String sensA ;
String sensB ;
if (digitalRead(Asensor)==LOW)sensA="Low";else sensA = "High";
if (digitalRead(Bsensor)==LOW)sensB="Low";else sensB = "High";
String digstatus ;
digstatus= "A-Pin("+pins[Asensor]+") = " + sensA +" " ;
lcd.setCursor(1, 3);lcd.println(digstatus);
digstatus = "B-Pin("+pins[Bsensor]+") = " +sensB+ " ";
lcd.setCursor(1, 4);lcd.print (digstatus);
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Asked: 9/7/17, 7:17 AM |
Seen: 2720 times |
Last updated: 9/7/17, 9:27 AM |