Problem remote access TFTP
Hi ,
I would like to upload my program using TFTP but I can't do this on my public IP (23.61.xx.xx). I acheive to ping my public IP and even reset server with http://23.61.xx.xx:8080/password/reset command.
TFTP work with a local IP, I can upload my program without any problem.
Anybody could help?
Thank a lot for your answer.
Hi, this is most likely a firewall issue, with your ISP blocking traffic on the TFTP port (port 69), while port 8080 is open.
If you really need to achieve this, i would suggest to experiment with ZeroTier - a great open-source virtual network system which allows you to access any device on your LAN (e.g. the Industruino) from anywhere, after installing the zerotier client on one of your LAN devices (e.g. a raspberry pi), and on the remote device. More info at
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Asked: 4/20/23, 1:45 PM |
Seen: 839 times |
Last updated: 6/1/23, 8:34 AM |