OneWire with Ind.I/O

Hi. I was trying to convert the OneWire lib for the arduino to run on the 32u4 with the Ind.I/O basecard. The reason for using the Ind.I/O card for this is that I want to be able to use the 4-20mA and 0-10V ports together with the OneWire.

I want to connect the OneWire sensor to one of the digital ports. However, I am having some problems with the timings on the digital ports, since it seems that they can not switchs the level on the ports faster than approximately 500 uS. For the OneWire sensors I need to be able to switch the ports with down to 5 uS.

I tried to increase the speed of the I2C busfrom 100kHz to 400kHz making it able to switch with approximately 125 uS which is still not fast enugh.

Is there any workaround to get OneWire work with the Ind.I/O board, or is it only possible with the Proto board? Are there for example any I/Os in the expansion port which are not used by the Ethernet module which could be used?

| 3 1 1
Asked on 2/8/16, 8:18 PM

You can use the arduino pins directly like normal pins. They are in the 14-pin IDC connector. So just purchse a connector cable and check the pin order to connect OneWire to one of those. Works for me with Dallas temperature sensors.

Samppa Turunen
Samppa Turunen
| 0 0 1
Answered on 2/15/16, 7:47 PM

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Asked: 2/8/16, 8:18 PM
Seen: 3463 times
Last updated: 2/15/16, 7:47 PM