Non-blocking Internet connection


is there any way to achieve a non-blocking Internet connection when using 

Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);


If there is no connection at all, this procedure does not block, but if there IS and the IP is incorrect, the program stops at this point.

Is there a workaround?


Peter Bezemek
Peter Bezemek
| 1 1 2
Asked on 3/3/22, 12:52 PM

Hi Didier,

my problem is different. Let's assume THERE IS a working Internet connection, which, after some time, stops working for whatever reason. There is an Ethernet module present, but the Ethernet.begin method blocks the running of the program because there is a problem with the Internet connection and pretty much freezes the Industruino.

Peter Bezemek
Peter Bezemek
| 1 1 2
Answered on 4/11/22, 8:27 PM

OK. I would try this : Your Industruino being blocked will trigger a watchdog like Adafruit Sleepydog. When your Industruino startups, just add 1 to a retry count you will save in EEPROM right after that, then attempt your Ethernet.begin. If this one fails, the watchdog will restart your Industruino again, and your retry count in EEPROM will be 2. I would try 3 consecutive attemps, then retry only every hour. If connect goes through, just reset your retry count. This way, your process will restart once in a while until your distant site gets available again. Hope this helps, Didier, DG2R

on 1/20/23, 10:59 AM

Hi Peter,

I think Tom covered this in : when he tests if the Ethernet module is present prior to sending his Ethernet.begin by testing if the SD client is present, if I remember well.

Hope this helps

Didier, DG2R

| 4 1 3
Answered on 4/11/22, 7:35 PM

Hi Didier, this is not my case, so it does not help. There IS and Ethernet module and also an Internet connection which STOPS working at some point (for whatever reason). My question is whether there is something I can do in the code to prevent Industruino from waiting indefinitely at Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

Peter Bezemek
on 11/17/22, 4:49 AM

Hi Didier,

my problem is different. Let's assume THERE IS a working Internet connection, which, after some time, stops working for whatever reason. There is an Ethernet module present, but the Ethernet.begin method blocks the running of the program because there is a problem with the Internet connection and pretty much freezes the Industruino.

Peter Bezemek
Peter Bezemek
| 1 1 2
Answered on 4/11/22, 8:28 PM

Hi Peter, At this point, I would use a watchdog, count the times the Industruino freezes in a row, save this in EEPROM, and when I reach a limit like 3 retries, stop retrying for, say, 10 minutes, and try again another 3-tries cycle, until it works. Not very satisfactory, but works. Didier, DG2R

on 6/14/22, 5:28 AM

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Asked: 3/3/22, 12:52 PM
Seen: 1344 times
Last updated: 4/11/22, 8:28 PM