Network mudule SPI
Trying to get the IND.I/O to work on the network.
And not being able to ping it and coming up with a zero IP adress.
Have placed the Ethernet lib in the hardware\libraray section. and proved that it is using the down loaded Ethernet.h file be renaming it.
Got a feeling that the SPI.h may not be right, as it would be using the one in my system.
Is there a written proceedure any where that I can follow?
Laury Gordyn
I have
Thank you for the reply, I do appreciat it, going throuh the code I had a do while after the Serial.begin which is only meant for the Leonaro unit.
The Ethernet unit works fine and I can see the signal on the spi pins via the oscilloscope.
However the device manager Ports shows "Industruino CDC Serial & HID Keyboard/Mouse(19)" when the Industruino is plugged in and NOT up loading.
When uploading actually start the device manager Ports shows switches to "Industruino CDC Serial(18)"
and the switches back to "Industruino CDC Serial & HID Keyboard/Mouse(19)" again when uploading is completed.
And I cannot see any Serial output to the termnal monitor.
Has any body experienced this, I'm running windows 7 professional.
Any help would be appreciated.
Laury Gordyn
Hi Loic,
Thanks for the quick response, have tested the Serial.print with a simple sketch the "AnalogReadSerial". With no output to the serial monitor.
Have placed a delay(3000) after the Serial.begin(9600), I have had it on the Arduino to have a delay(100) before sending data.
I’m getting by using the LCD display, hover working on UDP stuff cannot get a large data dump on the screen.
Something that happens when my Toshiba Tecra (windows7) is connected to the Indistruino the IDE says uploading but nothing no code gets uploaded and yet it says upload complete.
I will try on Windows 8 later today.
From: Loic De Buck []
Sent: Monday, 2 March 2015 12:08 AM
To: Laurens Gordyn
Subject: Re: Network mudule SPI (33)
Hi Laury, could you please upload one of the simple serial examples from the Arduino examples sketches such as "AnalogReadSerial". After uploading open the serial monitor. Do you see the output? The behaviour of COM port switching during upload is a known issue, we're working on a software update soon, but it shouldn't impact normal operation. After uploading the code works as usual and the serial monitor is fully functional. I think that maybe in the Webclient example the serial output already happened before you had the time to open the serial monitor. Try to add a 5second or longer delay in the beginning of your setup routine, upload your code, open the serial monitor and see if you catch the output. Let me know if you have further questions. Cheers, Loic
Sent by Industruino using Odoo
Make sure you are using arduino 1.0.6 and the Ethernet library provided. Could not get it to work on Arduino 1.6.0. The library does not go under hardwre but in the libraries folder in the root of the Arduino directory. There is already a standard one in there. You should move/delete that.
Good evening,
First of all, may I suggest you verify one more time your network settings on your own computer ?
There is my test file:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>byte MAC[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED};
IPAddress IP(192, 168, 1, 2);
IPAddress Gateway(192, 168, 1, 2);
IPAddress Subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
EthernetServer server(23);void setup() {
// while(!Serial) {
// ; // Needed for Leonardo only, not for Industruino 1286.
// }
Ethernet.begin(MAC, IP, Gateway, Subnet);
}void loop() {
EthernetClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
Serial.println("client connected!");
client.println("test of data");
if (!client.connected()) {
With that, my PC configuration is :
- IP:
- Gateway:
- Subnet:
Then, by opening the serial console from arduino software and then launching putty with those parameter :
- Mode : telnet
- Host:
- Port: 23
It works with the librairies from Industruino. I have the signal of computer connected on serial and the message in putty each cycle.
I hope this with help...
With best regards.
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Asked: 2/25/15, 6:56 AM |
Seen: 5075 times |
Last updated: 3/1/15, 10:41 AM |
Hi Laury, could you please upload one of the simple serial examples from the Arduino examples sketches such as "AnalogReadSerial". After uploading open the serial monitor. Do you see the output? The behaviour of COM port switching during upload is a known issue, we're working on a software update soon, but it shouldn't impact normal operation. After uploading the code works as usual and the serial monitor is fully functional. I think that maybe in the Webclient example the serial output already happened before you had the time to open the serial monitor. Try to add a 5second or longer delay in the beginning of your setup routine, upload your code, open the serial monitor and see if you catch the output. Let me know if you have further questions. Cheers, Loic