mysterious problem at startup
I have what I would say is a fairly simple sketch. I am using some of the code from DG21 demo specifically code for the menu system.
In my sketch I am reading some thermistors.Each approx 5 seconds I read the sensors using the steinhart equation process. I sample each one 20 times with a 20 millisecond delay between the samples then average them. As you can see that process takes some time.
In an effort to use the buttons and the menu functions seamlessly think I have to hold up the thermistor reading process then do my button stuff and then go back to running the processing part of my sketch.
So I have a variable that I call 'runMode' that I set to 1 at startup so that the thermistor reading and processing part of the sketch runs. When the up arrow is pressed I am setting the 'runMode' variable to 0 so that only the button process is running.
The problem is that upon startup the 'runMode' variable is getting changed to 0 even though no buttons are pressed. Furthermore none of the other lines of code where I set the variable to 0 are getting executed.
Here is my void loop()
void loop()
ReadButtons(); //check buttons
Navigate(); //update menus and perform actions
if ((millis() - lOutputLoop) > 5000)
lOutputLoop = millis();
if (runMode)
Indio.analogWrite( 2, 0, true ); // Set channel 2 to bypass
Here is the code from the ReadButtuns function slightly altered from the demo.
void ReadButtons()
buttonEnterState = digitalRead(buttonEnterPin);
buttonUpState = digitalRead(buttonUpPin);
buttonDownState = digitalRead(buttonDownPin);
if (buttonEnterState == HIGH && prevBtnEnt == LOW)
if ((millis() - lastBtnEnt) > transEntInt)
enterPressed = 1;
lastBtnEnt = millis();
lastAdminActionTime = millis();
SerialUSB.print("Enter Pressed ");
prevBtnEnt = buttonEnterState;
if (buttonUpState == HIGH && prevBtnUp == LOW && startOK)
if ((millis() - lastBtnUp) > transInt)
lastBtnUp = millis();
lastAdminActionTime = millis();
if (runMode)
SerialUSB.println("runMode to 0");
runMode = 0;
prevBtnUp = buttonUpState;
if (buttonDownState == HIGH && prevBtnDown == LOW)
if ((millis() - lastBtnDown) > transInt)
lastBtnDown = millis();
lastAdminActionTime = millis();
prevBtnDown = buttonDownState;
if (constrainEnc == 1)
channel = constrain(channel, channelLowLimit, channelUpLimit);
On startup the only thing that is happening is runMode is getting set to 0. This is the only place in the sketch where I set it to 0. When I comment out the line the variable stays as a 1. The serialUSB.print is not firing, neither is the MainMenu() action.
As you may notice I have added another variable 'startOK' which is initially set to 0 then after the first run of my twoToTen function I set it to 1. This seems to be a work around that is working but I am still concerned how the runMode variable is getting changed to 0 when that 'if' control structure should not fire.
How is that happening?
Hi, it's difficult to troubleshoot partial code, we can only guess how you declare the variables and configure the i/o.
Often the reason for unexpected behaviour is the use of Serial somewhere instead of SerialUSB.
If i understand correctly what you're trying to do, i would suggest attaching interrupts to the buttons, pointing to 1 ISR to set a flag to escape from your reading function, see
I have found that I have a couple of lines with analogWrite instead of Indio.analogWrite maybe that is it. I will change it later just to see.
FYI I copied these lines from the demo code. analogWrite(backlightPin, (map(backlightIntensity, 5, 1, 255, 0))); //convert backlight intesity from a value of 0-5 to a value of 0-255 for PWM.
OK your suggestion on using interrupts works perfectly. Thank you so much for the help. Here is my revised code. void setup() { Indio.analogWriteMode( 1, V10_p ); // 5000) { lOutputLoop = millis(); twoToTenOut(); twoToTenOutPrint(); } } else { if ((millis() - lOutputLoop) > 20000) { runMode = 1; lcd.clear(); } } } void ReadButtons() { buttonEnterState = digitalRead(buttonEnterPin); buttonUpState = digitalRead(buttonUpPin); buttonDownState = digitalRead(buttonDownPin); if (buttonEnterState == HIGH && prevBtnEnt == LOW) { if ((millis() - lastBtnEnt) > transEntInt) { enterPressed = 1; } lastBtnEnt = millis(); lastAdminActionTime = millis(); SerialUSB.print("Enter Pressed "); SerialUSB.println(enterPressed); } prevBtnEnt = buttonEnterState; if (buttonUpState == HIGH && prevBtnUp == LOW) { if ((millis() - lastBtnUp) > transInt) { channel--; } lastBtnUp = millis(); lastAdminActionTime = millis(); SerialUSB.println("UpPressed"); prevBtnUp = buttonUpState; if (buttonDownState == HIGH && prevBtnDown == LOW) { if ((millis() - lastBtnDown) > transInt) { channel++; } lastBtnDown = millis(); lastAdminActionTime = millis(); SerialUSB.println("DownPressed"); } prevBtnDown = buttonDownState; if (constrainEnc == 1) { channel = constrain(channel, channelLowLimit, channelUpLimit); } }
Sorry with the formatting of the last comment it seems that i do not have enough 'karma' to format it properly.
Obviously the Indo.analogWrite was not the problem since that throws an error.
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Asked: 5/24/21, 10:28 AM |
Seen: 1401 times |
Last updated: 5/25/21, 12:59 PM |
I do not have a Serial somewhere instead of SerialUSB.anywhere in my code so I am still not sure of the cause. Thanks for the link to the interupts. That was my first thought but I was not able to find information about it. That is the way I am going to go. Thanks again.