My D21G REV1.7 boards are not detected by Windows 10 64
I have 2 boards D21G REV1.7 i have try to connect it with microUSB to Windows 10 64 machines without sucess.
I have tryed 2 boards on 2 computers with 2 cables. My last 3 boards was connecting with out any prtoblems but it was about 1 months ago.
I have also try push 2 times microswitch on D21G board screen start to blinks but Windows dosen't install a new COM port.
What is the reason of this issue ?
Solved :
There are two types of microUSB cables :
- only for charging
- for charging and data transmission.
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Asked: 11/2/20, 7:05 PM |
Seen: 1488 times |
Last updated: 11/2/20, 8:30 PM |