More IO Please?

After a couple days playing around with industruino IND.IO, I must say this is a really great product. I can easily communicate with various sensors and VFD. The INDIO library made it very simple to do Analog reading. My only complain is lack of IO ports. I wish there is expansion IO board available like M-Duino. However, I will choose industruino over M-Duino any time because of the simplicity. When will you add more IO? Also it would be really great if you implement a feature to update the program via LAN. It is really troublesome to update the program once it is deployed on the field.

Albert Tobing
Albert Tobing
| 5 1 3
Asked on 10/11/16, 2:49 PM

Hi Albert, thanks for your feedback and recommendations. The best solution we have at the moment to increase the I/O channels is using multiple IND.I/Os with communication over Modbus, an industrial protocol, either over RS485 (Modbus RTU) or over Ethernet (Modbus TCP). We have a Modbus RTU master/slave example here 


| 1 1 3
Answered on 10/11/16, 11:46 PM

How about updating the IND.I/O's program via LAN? Is there a tutorial for that?

Albert Tobing
on 10/12/16, 1:29 AM

Hi Albert, that's a very interesting question. We have not tried that yet on our 32u4/1286 boards but it is documented for standard arduino 328 boards: I will try to look into this further

on 10/12/16, 2:43 AM


Didier Dorguin


I would be very interested in your work around for more inputs using the dry contac method you mention above 

Kelly Sprayberry
Kelly Sprayberry
| 2 1 2
Answered on 11/9/18, 1:15 AM

Ooops. Didn't see this one. Sorry. Still interrested ? By the way we have improved the concept with a 18V voltage regulator that will avoid the "learning" phase. Still in field test but more than promissing.

on 11/14/18, 5:46 AM

Yes, I sure am. Very much interested. Thanks!

Kelly Sprayberry
on 11/14/18, 11:03 AM

Ciao, sono fuori ufficio per motivi di salute, vi risponderò al mio rientro: 14/11. Per urgenze contattatemi al cellulare.



Thank you for your email. Due to sickness, I am currently out of the office and will probably be back on 14/11. I apologize for the delay and any inconvenience.
In urgent cases, please call me on my mobile.
Best regards



on 11/14/18, 11:03 AM
Yes, absolutely. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2018, at 12:47 AM, Didier DORGUIN  wrote:

Ooops. Didn't see this one. Sorry. Still interrested ? By the way we have improved the concept with a 18V voltage regulator that will avoid the "learning" phase. Still in field test but more than promissing.

Sent by Industruino using Odoo about Forum Post More IO Please? (660)
Kelly Sprayberry
on 11/14/18, 11:26 AM

This is something that would be a great help for someone like me. I am looking at managing 100s of Industruino's all across India!


Raghuram Shenoy
Raghuram Shenoy
| 4 1 2
Answered on 10/14/16, 8:38 AM

Ooops. Didn't see this one either. Still interrested too ? By the way we have improved the concept with a 18V voltage regulator that will avoid the "learning" phase. Still in field test but more than promissing.

on 11/14/18, 6:11 AM

Hi Didier. Yes I am really interested. can you please send me the files to: ? Btw, will the output / input speed of the converted analog be significantly slower than the digital io?

Albert Tobing
Albert Tobing
| 5 1 3
Answered on 12/9/16, 12:01 AM

INO standalone example file and XLS simulator sent by eMail today. Have fun !

on 12/20/16, 11:23 AM

If you need some digital Inputs, you can convert one AI into 5 dry-contacts DI quite easily. We have developped an interface with resistors the dry-contact DI shunt, that is powered by the same 24Vdc as the Industruino, and a C function that does the translation.

I can send the code and wiring drawings if you are interrested. I even think I have an example file somewhere.

| 4 1 3
Answered on 12/8/16, 12:44 PM

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Asked: 10/11/16, 2:49 PM
Seen: 4680 times
Last updated: 11/9/18, 1:16 AM