Is the D21G still a supported product?

I have used the D21G platform for some years but i am concerned that the product is no longer actively supported by the manufacturer. Does anybody know if there are any plans for updates or new release of that platform?




viv padayatchy
viv padayatchy
| 2 1 2
Asked on 12/13/24, 1:22 PM

Hello Viv,

The D21G platform is still actively supported. We intend to keep producing the current compatible hardware until at least 2030, software updates (Arduino IDE and Platform IO board support files and libraries) will also follow this year.

New related harware is also intensively being worked on and you can expect to see some releases coming along soon.

Best Regards and Happy New Year!


Loic De Buck
Loic De Buck
| 3 1 3
Answered on 1/2/25, 1:58 PM

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Asked: 12/13/24, 1:22 PM
Seen: 268 times
Last updated: 1/2/25, 1:58 PM