Is possible to use the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 with Industruino?
Hello, I need to use this sensor HC-SR04 with Industruino
Is possible use this sensor with Industruino?
The sensor isn't plug-n-play with the industuino, but using a voltage divider may work...
I've used that sensor in other arduino UNO projects of mine. The HC-SR04 datasheet says it's rated for an input of 5v with a working current of 15mA. Ind I/O datasheet says that the logic low is <3v and logic HIGH is >11v. I'm not sure if a voltage divider would work, but it may be worth a try. If your not familer with a voltage divider, then check it out here...
R1 = 1.6k ohm resistor
R1 = 460 ohm resistor
Wire up the voltage divider between the IND I/O pin and the Vcc pin of the sensor. The Trig and Echo pins go to any 2 digital pins on the IND I/O. Ground goes to ground. (I made a picture, but can't attach it due to low karma...)
Lastly, don't use library for the HC-S04 that was designed for arduino cause it may not work with the IND I/O. I'd try to run the code from the link you provided in your original post.
Hope this helps, and repost with results if possible.
Hello José Luis,
This sensor can be connected directly to Industruino PROTO, as it functions identically to an Arduino Leonardo and has 5V I/O.
To connect it to Industruino IND.I/O you can connect it via the 14pin expansion port.
Best Regards,
Heloo Loic De Buck, tanks for answer
I using the Industruino IND. I/O but I am using the Ethernet module for that reason I dont now that is posible can connect it via the 14pin expansion port.
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Asked: 11/27/15, 8:02 PM |
Seen: 3528 times |
Last updated: 1/8/16, 5:33 PM |
Heloo Loic De Buck, tanks for answer I using the Industruino IND. I/O but I am using the Ethernet module for that reason I dont know that is posible can connect it via the 14pin expansion port.