Is it possible to connect a SigFox device trough the serial bus?
I was experimenting with a Arduino SigFox device MKRFox1200 and discovered that i also need some 4-20mA input connection.
So in stead of trying to attach some inport opamps to the MKRFOX1200, I wondered if i can connect some sigfox device to your Industruino IND.I/O D21G. Maybe some Breakout board like ?
Gerrit Vertez
Hi Gerrit,
Yes we have an expansion port on the INDIO for communication modules such as Ethernet and GSM/GPRS. These 14-pins provide direct access to the MCU, including 2 hardware serials, so you can easily wire them to a serial Sigfox module as the one in your link. This is similar to hooking up an ESP8266 serial wifi module (also using AT commands) as documented here
Pinout is here
You will need to add a voltage regulator if you need 3V3.
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Asked: 12/14/17, 2:03 PM |
Seen: 2130 times |
Last updated: 4/9/18, 4:50 PM |
Please keep us informed of your progress. This sounds interresting. Didier, DG2R