Is it posible to reduce analog input range in order to get better sensitivity?

I'm trying to connect ordinary theromcouple without any converter to my IND I/O. I've set ADC resolution to 18bits and I still get jumps 3mV whitch is quite big step when maximum is around 40mV. Is it possible to get such resolution? If I count right ADC on 18bits have enought resolution and maybe the problem is just in my settings.

Thanks for your anwer


Ondřej Vinkler
Ondřej Vinkler
| 2 1 2
Asked on 2/19/16, 11:42 AM

Dear Ondřej,

The analog inputs are not connected directly to the ADC, they buffered through opamps that scale the normal -2.048V / +2.048V input range of the ADC to 0-10V or 0-20mA.

To connect thermocouples or PT100 temperature sensors to the Industruino IND.I/O I recommend to use 4-20mA transmitters. Here are a couple of examples:

It will result in less signal loss and better immunity from interference, and enable you to have much longer cable lengths between your measurement location and the Industruino. 

Best Regards,


Loic De Buck
Loic De Buck
| 3 1 3
Answered on 2/21/16, 1:56 PM

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Asked: 2/19/16, 11:42 AM
Seen: 2796 times
Last updated: 2/21/16, 2:00 PM