Gas sensor

Hi ! my question is, i have two questions. 


1- i can aliment the industruino with an MEANWELL DR-75-24 ? 

2- i can connect a gas sensor direct to industruino proto kit, or  i need industruino ind ? 

i need make a sensor system of detect gas for a water treadmill, and i decided make with industruino 

Best regards from Chile !



Pablo J. Cardenas
Pablo J. Cardenas
| 2 1 1
Asked on 9/18/15, 4:50 AM

Dear Pablo,

Sorry for the late reply to your question. You forgot to add a title to your forum question and because of that nobody could open it. Anyway, I added a title and it seems to work now.

Regarding your questions:

1. Yes, Industruino PROTO supports an input voltage between 8-28V and Industruino IND.I/O supports an input voltage between 6.5-32V. So PSU DR-75-24 can definitely be used as it provides an ouput voltage of 24V and 75W of power. 75W is quite a lot, so only needed if you are switching larger loads such as fans, solenoids, heaters etc etc. If you only need  to power your gas sensor and a couple of accessories a smaller power supply such as MDR-20-24 would be fine.

2. Yes, many gas sensors such as the MQ-* series can directly be connected to Industruino. It all depends on what kind of signal your gas sensor outputs. A sensor such as the MQ series can be powered from 5V and directly read by the 0-5V analog input of Industruino PROTO. Other more professional sensors are powered from 24V and output a 4-20mA or 0-10V signal. In that case you would choose Industruino IND.I/O

If you have further questions please let me know.

Best Regards,



Loic De Buck
Loic De Buck
| 3 1 3
Answered on 10/1/15, 8:21 AM

Thanks for add a title on my question ! i have a question, the industruino proto has a prototyping area, this area work like a protoboard ? for example i connect my sensors or actuators to the analog slots and in the prototype area i can connect the resistances or other components ? i hope your answer best regards

Pablo J. Cardenas
on 10/3/15, 5:22 AM

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Asked: 9/18/15, 4:50 AM
Seen: 2512 times
Last updated: 10/1/15, 8:21 AM