Ethernet bootloader
In the topboard information a USB/Ethernet bootlodaer was mentioned (D21G topboard) how do I get my device to bootloead via ethernet ?
I suspect the GSM option will not work based on the size of the drivers required. In a previosu project, we rewrote the bootloader for a PIC32, to also check for a local file in SD and had a function to download the file in pieces during nromal operation and assemble it when ready. Then we woudl remotely reboot the device and if the checksums all matched - it flashed itslef from the SD. It was a HUGE amount of work and does work really well .... perhaps we need to see what the demand is?
Is also posible to get the device Bootloaded via GSM?
(This is a question I tried to ask before, but I have not Karma at all... please vote me ;-)
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Asked: 12/5/17, 10:51 AM |
Seen: 3056 times |
Last updated: 12/5/17, 4:36 PM |