error upload

Hi, i'have a problem and i can't solve it.

During the upload of a new sketch i see this error.
i try to upload a blank sketch ...

Thanks in advance


Arduino:1.8.13 (Windows 7), Scheda:"Industruino D21G"

Lo sketch usa 12952 byte (4%) dello spazio disponibile per i programmi. Il massimo è 262144 byte.

Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found

Device       : ATSAMD21G18A

Chip ID      : 10010005

Version      : v2.0 [Arduino:XYZ] Aug  1 2017 11:04:45

Address      : 16384

Pages        : 3840

Page Size    : 64 bytes

Total Size   : 240KB

Planes       : 1

Lock Regions : 16

Locked       : none

Security     : false

Boot Flash   : true

BOD          : true

BOR          : true

Arduino      : FAST_CHIP_ERASE



Erase flash

done in 0.764 seconds


Write 13256 bytes to flash (208 pages)

[==============================] 100% (208/208 pages)

SAM-BA operation failed


done in 0.095 seconds


Verify 13256 bytes of flash with checksum.

Verify successful

done in 0.022 seconds

CPU reset.

Errore durante il caricamento dello sketch

Edoardo C
Edoardo C
| 2 1 1
Asked on 12/27/20, 6:01 PM

Ciao, sono fuori ufficio e  vi risponderò al mio rientro. 

 Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office. I will do my best to respond promptly to your email when I return. 


on 12/27/20, 6:01 PM

Ciao, sono fuori ufficio e  vi risponderò al mio rientro. 

 Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office. I will do my best to respond promptly to your email when I return. 


on 1/2/21, 1:19 PM


From here:

Seem that this error message can be ignored.

Enrico Michieletti
Enrico Michieletti
| 3 1 2
Answered on 1/2/21, 1:18 PM

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Asked: 12/27/20, 6:01 PM
Seen: 1797 times
Last updated: 1/2/21, 1:21 PM