Driver Win 10 for DG21 I/O
I have the same problem with industruino DG21 I/O, installed the drivers from the site drivers-industruino-windows-0.0.1, but they do not work and D21G_signed_driver with signature error. I tried to do the procedure described in the answer but it does not work.
- Open CMD with admin permissions
- Put this commands: bcdedit.exe -set {current} TESTSIGNING OFF
- After that, reboot and check using WIN+X and device manager to check the virtual com port.
- If with that dont work add this command in the cmd admin mode: bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
Are there updated drivers for Win 10?
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Asked: 11/21/24, 3:25 PM |
Seen: 293 times |
Last updated: 11/23/24, 6:16 AM |