D21G/PROTO: DAC0 analog output voltage reaches saturation at a count of 71% with about 2.3V (never reaching full range)
- may be default/unchanged AREF seems not to be 3V3, but 2V23?
- I can frequently change voltage (in my example in steps of +/-30 of 0..4095) down to 0V out
- but reaching an integer of about 3000 (2977 to 3007) the output reaches about 2.29V (DVM reading) and gets stuck, will never increase more
- by decrementing below that, the output continues to follow to 0V out
- Independant from the set up AREF I would expect the output to follow 0..4095 more or less uniformly linear?
- setting analogWriteResolution(8) - the output stops at about 187 (also reading 2.29V)
- setting to 10(bit) - the saturation level of 2.27V is reached at int 735
- the limit is close to 71% (sqrt of 1/2 ?) - but AC reading is zero, so this should be solid DC (not PWM or s.th. else?)
- starting with a integer of "max/2" (50%) I get always a 1.578V (1.57..1.58 in 20V) reading which is close to 3.32V/2?
- setting different analogReference(AR_...) seems not to work at all, got same 50% reading of 1.57V at startup
- (Remark: the DVM reading is naturally poor due to the lowest part of the 20V-range (200mV/2V/20V/...), so the real value could be much different, but never ever like 3V3 - the saturation is seen clearly)
Do I need different steps or do I have to change to another order of commands to set up this test?
// started with
const int vout_max = 4095;
int vout = vout_max / 2; // to start with
pinMode(DAC0, OUTPUT); //D18
analogReference(AR_DEFAULT); // = Vcc 3V3
analogWrite(DAC0, vout);
... // and later
if( !digitalRead(buttonUpPin)) {
vout += 30;
if (vout > vout_max) vout = vout_max;
analogWrite(DAC0, vout);
SerialUSB.print("vout = "); SerialUSB.println(vout);
} else if ...
? a #D21G and #DAC(0) or #analogWrite label would help?
Hi, please refer to https://github.com/Industruino/documentation/blob/master/proto.md#analog-output
You can also use the DAC to play audio as mentioned here https://industruino.com/blog/our-news-1/post/proto-d21g-audio-playback-34
I started to type me question for hours during testing; now, after different tries and reading more pages of arduino.cc
a) It should not say "pinMode()" is not needed - but setting pinMode will destroy the DAC function?!!
My test rountines start with "setAllInputs()"
b) Setting any "analogReference()" will lead to nothing - DAC ref seems to be always 3V3 (Vcc)?
Hopefully that will help others - and we can clarify that a little more into deep?
(After gaining more Karma, I will post some pics :)
BRs Klaus
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Asked: 12/13/21, 12:51 AM |
Seen: 1466 times |
Last updated: 12/13/21, 2:51 AM |