com port changes during upload
I'm experiencing this problem on an (older) model IND.I/O.
Same as on
Could you please share the fix for this situation?
I've tried changing out cables, updating drivers, ...
Hi, that linked issue turned out to be unrelated to the Industruino, a network issue blocking the Industruino's normal operation. Have you tried with the standard Blink sketch (change LED_BUILTIN to 26, the LCD backlight) and then send us a screenshot of the console with the error, after enabling 'verbose' mode in your IDE preferences. Please send to so we can check what's going on, also confirm if you are using the D21G version of Industruino.
If that upload works (allows you to upload several times without having to do a manual reset on the topboard, and afterwards the LCD backlight is blinking slowly), then the problem must be in the code you are trying to upload, e.g. using Serial where you should be using SerialUSB.
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Asked: 7/10/21, 8:39 AM |
Seen: 1469 times |
Last updated: 7/12/21, 1:16 AM |