4-20 mAker board manager not available
I was trying to load a 4-20 mAker with an existing app, and had to re-install the 4-20 mAker in the Arduino IDE (1.8.16, but 1.8.5 has the same problem) and when I ask for Industruino in Tolls>Boards I just find the D21G package.
Is there somewhere else I can get the package from ?
Didier, DG2R
Mathieu found the way around the glitsch : just copy the URL : https://static.industruino.com/downloads/code/IndustruinoCores/IndustruinoSAML/pkgdef/package_industruino_saml_index.json
in your preferences "URL to other cards" area (or something along these lines : mine says "URL de gestionnaire de cartes supplémentaires" in our French version), press OK and that's it.
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Asked: 1/17/22, 2:17 PM |
Seen: 1390 times |
Last updated: 1/17/22, 5:34 PM |