TFTP problem
Good morning,
I try to upload my industruino program with ethernet modul but that not work... I follow the steps below discribe in procedure :
1) Ok => I run NetConfigDataMgr
2) Ok => I run ResetServer with a code to display something on LCD scree. And I test with "” => Rebooting... is display on my PC
3) Ok => I use prepareFile utility and my *.bin file is generate
4) Ok => I use command line with : "TFTP -i PUT outputFile.bin" and the transfer is success with : "Transfer réussi : 35266 octets en 1 seconde(s), 35266 octets/s"
5) Nok => To finish I resert with "” but Nothing change on industruino lcd screen, my program doesn't work or was not uploade or something esle...
If someone has any idea I will appriciate...
Thank a lot for your answer.
hi, we have a more detailed procedure here with some troubleshooting hints. please check. no need for remote reset after the tftp finishes
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Asked: 11/2/21, 3:59 PM |
Seen: 1405 times |
Last updated: 11/9/21, 1:35 AM |
Hi Tom, Thank a lot for your reply. I will see that later...