Data ed ora su INDIO D21G


sto entrando nel nuovo mondo di industrino.

Scrivo in quanto sto incontrando alcune difficoltaà. 
Nello spcifico:
- all'interno di industrino esiste il modulo RTC che consente di mantenere sincronizzata ed in memoria l'ora e la data. Come è possibile utilizzarlo?
- vorrei collagare una sonda per la lettura della temperatura. E' meglio utilizzare l'ingresso analogico 4-20mA oppure ingresso digitale PWM?
- vorrei loggare ciclicamente le informazioni ricevute dalla sonda nella scheda sd, ma ho un dubbio: è possibile utilizzare la scheda SD ed il modulo ethernet contemporaneamente (per una eventuale consultazione da remoto + logging su scheda sd sempre)?

In attesa di un vostro prezioso aiuto

Buona serata


Edoardo C
Edoardo C
| 2 1 1
Asked on 2/19/20, 9:53 PM

Hi All, I'm out of office until the 2/03. I have a limited access to my email. It could be take some time to receive an answer.


For urgent matter for Belgium contact +32 4 270 4700, For Luxemburg & International + 352 26 90 89 38 or




Armand FUMAL CEO Cybernet International SARL.


Armand Fumal
on 2/26/20, 6:31 PM

Hi, for use of of the RTC, please see

For temperature sensing, we suggest to use the analog input channels.

The SD card is part of the Ethernet module, and uses the same SPI bus for communication. You can use both in your sketch, writing data to the SD card and then reading it later to send in one batch over Ethernet. If it is small amounts of data, you could also use the FRAM non-volatile memory (8KB), then you don't need an SD card:

| 1 1 3
Answered on 2/20/20, 12:28 AM


thank yyou for the reply.

I'm trying to use RTC, in particular i am uploading the demo sketch that i found at this link.

But i have some problem, despite i have imported and included all library needed there are an error:

C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_22306\sketch_feb26a.ino: In function 'void loop()':

sketch_feb26a:52:3: error: 'RTCind' was not declared in this scope

   RTCind.get(rtc, true);


exit status 1
'RTCind' was not declared in this scope

Waiting for an help

Best regards

Edoardo C
Edoardo C
| 2 1 1
Answered on 2/26/20, 6:31 PM

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Asked: 2/19/20, 9:53 PM
Seen: 2032 times
Last updated: 2/26/20, 6:36 PM