Is Servo Control Using PWM Signal Possible with INDIO's Digital Channels?
I just received my Industrino IND I/O D21G today. I want to use it to control a servo via a PWM signal from a digital pin using the Arduino servo library (I've alreay implemented this scheme on an Arduino Mega). However, to my dismay, I just read on the forum that "the usual analogWrite() instruction for PWM does not apply to the INDIO's digital channels. These channels are controlled via an I2C expander, with limited speed and no PWM functionality." Is this true? If so, is there a simple way around it? Without this capability, I won't be bale to use it and will have to return it. Thanks in advance for your help!
Thank you Tom! I won't be using Ethernet or GSM in my application, so it should be OK. As you suggested, the servo is powered by its own power supply, with a shared ground with the Arduino. Thank you again!
Hi, the INDIO is designed to be used in applications where isolated digital I/O is required, at industrial level 12/24V, and isolated analog I/O 0-10V/4-20mA. If you do not need any of these features, we suggest you switch to the PROTO unit, which has direct access to the MCU pins (as on regular Arduinos).
If you do need the industrial I/O channels, and a few regular Arduino pins, you could use the pins available on the 14-pin IDC expansion port (0-3.3V level), if you are not already using this for Ethernet or GSM
Please note that the 5V available on this port cannot provide much current so you'd have to drive your servo from an external power supply, with a shared ground to the MCU.
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Asked: 9/24/18, 8:11 PM |
Seen: 3518 times |
Last updated: 9/26/18, 5:02 PM |