Hi Andrea,
The MAC address is set manually at the top of your Arduino sketch, please see example sketches included with the "EthernetIndustruino" library.
Best Regards,
Hi, i have uploaded an example sketch to our github https://github.com/Industruino/democode/blob/master/MACfromRTC/MACfromRTC.ino
The RTC has a unique 8-byte identifier (EUI-64); this sketch reads last 6-bytes as a unique MAC address, dropping the first 2 bytes, part of the 3-byte OUI.
For more information you can check the RTC MCP79402 datasheet http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/20005009F.pdf
I see you where finalising a solution in January to have the mac address automatically set to a uuid.
Is there any progress with this?
I'm in desperate need for this feature!
Thanks in advance!
Hi Loic,
I've seen that MAC address in the sketch, but it is the same for everyone. Or not?
Standard it is set like this in the demo sketch, so it's up to each user to modify it. We're currently finalising a solution where it will be set automatically to a unique ID. Check our site in the coming weeks for an announcement. Best Regards, Loic
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Asked: 12/28/16, 11:13 AM |
Seen: 4596 times |
Last updated: 10/13/18, 3:07 AM |
Hi Loic, I've seen that MAC address in the sketch, but it is the same for everyone. Or not?