How to connect the earth connector of the industruino IND.I/O ?

I have connected a industruino IND.IO to several 4-20ma transmitters in an industrial environment. The power supply of the transmitters is the same as the power supply of the Industruino, I have made a connection from the analog input GND (top) to the Industruino GND (bottom).

To avoid electromagnetic interference I have connected the earth connection of the industruino to the shield wire of the signal cables and to the earth connector of the power supply ("equipment ground / chassis").

Do I also have to connect the earth connector to the GND (-) connector of the Industruino, or is this internally already connected?

Thanks in advance,


Peter Boelen
Peter Boelen
| 1 1 2
Asked on 12/12/16, 10:32 AM

Hello,the advantage of having separate ground allows for different scenarios.

Your best option will always be to power sensors from a separate power supply.

If you prefer to go ahead with your solution, the earthing rule says that it is better to have a star-shape than a ring.

The purpose of your connection between GNDs is to power sensors from the same power supply.

Adding more earth connections would create loops that could add noise rather than the opposite.

So in my opinion the answer is that you would not get any improvement by doing so.

Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
Stefano Giuseppe Bonvini
| 2 0 2
Answered on 12/12/16, 11:00 AM

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Asked: 12/12/16, 10:32 AM
Seen: 2678 times
Last updated: 12/12/16, 11:00 AM