Latest Arduino IDEs
Any idea when Industruino will be supported on Arduino IDE greater than version 1.6.5. I need to evaluate some Arduino 101 boards which only work on 1.6.7 or greater. Have to look at installing multiple versions of the IDEs. Would be great if Industruino could work of the latest version of the IDE.
I was able to make it work by comparing directory structures.
My previous answer is here:
Hope this helps.
Maybe will be usefull to use command-line support for IDE, or even another powerfull editor (I am using Emacs), and then just compile/upload with proper board and architecture. The correct definitions files and libraries must be copied in correct folders, as described somewehere here (I guess its called Runing Industruino under linux).
For command line parameters and usage look on:
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Asked: 6/19/16, 4:40 AM |
Seen: 3160 times |
Last updated: 7/20/16, 7:37 AM |