Industruino 0-20 mA output: maximum loop resistance


What would be the Maximum loop resistance Industruino's 0-20 mA OutPut?
Its 700 Ohm for 4-20 Maker device, is it the same for Industruino as well?

Thank you,


Daniil Gorbachev
Daniil Gorbachev
| 0 0 0
Asked on 8/24/23, 6:59 PM

Since its active 4-20 output, I need it for the length of the wiring can be ran from industruino to 4-20 input device in case controller has to be installed faraway from SCADA

Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc., Daniil Gorbachev
on 9/18/23, 12:44 PM

Why you need that info?, I ask out of curiosity.

Carlos Flores
Carlos Flores
| 0 0 0
Answered on 9/16/23, 5:15 PM

Since its active 4-20 output, I need it for the length of the wiring can be ran from industruino to 4-20 input device in case controller has to be installed away from SCADA

Sentry: Water Monitoring & Control Inc., Daniil Gorbachev
on 9/18/23, 12:44 PM

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Asked: 8/24/23, 6:59 PM
Seen: 916 times
Last updated: 9/18/23, 12:44 PM