Unable connect with driver Win 10 SOLVED

I was work well with industruino in the past with the arduino IDE 2.0, but now i have 2 industruinos REV1.8 and i have a big problem connecting with WIN10 64x, because when i connect the usb cable, always be detected as "unknown usb device", i try connect an restart, avoid the signed drivers, use the signed driver from industruino, and nothing.

Please i need your help to connect the devices or get the right driver or your succes cases in this situation :(


Carlos Flores
Carlos Flores
| 0 0 0
Asked on 5/26/23, 3:06 AM

I solve this isue in win 10 with the next:

-Open CMD with admin permissions

-Put this commands:

bcdedit.exe -set {current} TESTSIGNING OFF

-After that, reboot and check using WIN+X and device manager to check the virtual com port.

If with that dont work add this command in the cmd admin mode: bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS


Carlos Flores
Carlos Flores
| 0 0 0
Answered on 5/28/23, 3:45 AM

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Asked: 5/26/23, 3:06 AM
Seen: 927 times
Last updated: 5/28/23, 3:46 AM