Connect a raspberry pi zero to Industruino
Hi, we are working to connect a raspberry pi zero with the industruino's USB interface using the Raspberry pi's UART and a CJMCU CP2102 Micro USB a UART TTL module (TECNOIOT 2 Unidades CJMCU CP2102 Micro USB a UART TTL Módulo convertidor Serie de 6 Pines : Informática) but it's not working.
We are able to connect the raspberry pi wit a PC, but not with Industruino. Could you help me? Any idea about what could be wrong?
Thank you very much, Alberto
Thank you very much Tom, we are using too the RS485 port to connect several devices using modbus. In this scenario can we connect the raspberry too to the bus using different protocols?
The Industruino cannot act as USB Host, so that converter will not work. However, you have 2 other good options:
1) connect the Pi's UART directly to the Industruino UART (on the expansion port you have Serial on D0/D1 and Serial1 on D10/D5, or on the terminals if you are using a PROTO)
2) if you are already using the expansion port for a communication module, you could use the RS485 port on the INDIO, with a TTL-RS485 converter on the Pi side; this will also be more robust against interference in case you have some distance between the Industruino and Pi
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Asked: 5/25/23, 6:37 PM |
Seen: 920 times |
Last updated: 6/1/23, 3:39 PM |
Hi, while in theory we can use multiple protocols on one RS485 network, it depends on your setup (master/slaves) whether you can avoid collisions, see