ADC Conversion time

what is the conversion time of ADC and DAC. How much sample/second



Ganesh Datt Joshi
Ganesh Datt Joshi
| 2 1 2
Asked on 12/19/15, 10:21 AM

Here is code and comment from one of the example sketches:

Indio.setADCResolution(16); // Set the ADC resolution. Choices are 12bit@240SPS, 14bit@60SPS, 16bit@15SPS and 18bit@3.75SPS.

Looking in Indio.cpp, analogRead has delay(sample_rate) and in analogReadMode routine, it sets sample_rate based on the ADC resolution.  For example, for the above resolution of  16 bits, sample_rate is set to 67 ms, which will give 14.9 samples per second.


Gary Huband
Gary Huband
| 4 1 1
Answered on 1/2/16, 8:20 PM

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Asked: 12/19/15, 10:21 AM
Seen: 3162 times
Last updated: 1/4/16, 4:08 PM