1286 Topboard on Linux

Setting up your Linux development environment

 [written by Tom, October 2015]

Instructions for use of the INDUSTRUINO with topboard 1286 on Linux systems

Tested on:

  • ●  Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Arduino 1.0.6

  • ●  Lubuntu 14.04 LTS with Arduino 1.6.5


  1. install the Arduino IDE

  2. download and install the Industruino support file package

  3. test USB connection

  4. test the Industruino libraries

1. Install the Arduino IDE
Download tar file from

depending on your distro, see http://playground.arduino.cc/Linux/Ubuntu

Add your user to group ‘dialout’ [and possibly also ‘serial’ if that group exists on your system] command line:
sudo usermod ­aG dialout

2. Download the correct “Industruino support file package”

Visit https://industruino.com/page/techcentre and download the zip file for IDE 1.6.* or 1.0.* according the IDE version you have installed.

Extract the file.
We encountered a problem on Ubuntu 12.04 with the default Squeeze utility to extract: it was hanging and resulted in missing files. In this case, use the command line to unzip the files. Lubuntu 14.04 had no problem with extraction from the file manager utility.

Install the libraries by copying them into the Arduino libraries folder, e.g. /home/tom/arduino/arduino­1.0.6/libraries/
(4 libraries for IDE 1.0.x and 3 libraries for IDE 1.6.x)

Install the 1286 board definition file from the “Industruino support file package” as follows: Find the folder: Industruino support file package 1.0/1286 Board definition/
Copy the “Industruino” folder into the /hardware folder of your Arduino installation, e.g. e.g. /home/tom/arduino/arduino­1.0.6/hardware/ as below 

Check that all sub folders are there; in IDE 1.6.x there is one more level /avr before you get to below folder:

3. Test your USB connection Launch your Arduino IDE.

From Tools>Boards, choose board ‘Industruino 1286’ (at top of the list in IDE 1.0.x and at the bottom in IDE 1.6.x)
Connect your Industruino USB cable to your laptop.
From Tools>Serial Port, choose the correct Serial Port.

Compile the ‘Blink’ sketch to check correct installation of the board files.
Change pin 13 to 26 in the blink sketch, which is the backlight on the 1286 board. Upload the updated Blink sketch to check the connection: LCD backlight should blink.

Possible error when trying to upload (it happened to us on Ubuntu 14.04): serial port busy [modem manager problem]
Go to the command line:

sudo apt-get --purge remove modemmanager

(as suggested by Industruino customer Rodrigue Vaast in email)
If sometimes upload doesn’t work, press the reset button on the 1286 topboard before you click ‘upload’ in IDE.

4. Test the Industruino libraries

To check if the libraries are installed correctly, try the example sketches:

UC1701 library (LCD display) examples:

  • ●  HelloWorld (simple text display with counter)

  • ●  IndustruinoDemoCode_1286 (LCD screen example for PROTO, not for IND.I/O)

INDIO library examples:

● Indio_Digital (I/O example over Serial Monitor)

If using IDE 1.0.* you will have to change a capital letter in each Indio library sketch: #include
should be

(wrong name in 3 examples)
For IDE 1.6.x this line should be omitted in the sketches.

If using IDE 1.6.* you may get an error about multiple EEPROM libraries.
[how to handle this?? i think i just commented out the #include in the sketch but then i did not use EEPROM.]