WebSocket on Industruino

example of D21G as WebSocket client


WebSockets are an easy way to exchange data between a client and server, full-duplex, over a single TCP connection. This example uses the ArduinoWebSockets library, which needs only a few modifications to work with the Industruino's D21G platform.

We will run a websocket server on a laptop (e.g. the node.js/simple.js example included in the above library), and our Industruino will connect over Ethernet to this server.

  • start the websocket server
  • start the Industruino websocket client
  • the Industruino connects to the server and send a hello message
  • the server sends a hello message to the Industruino client
  • whenever an Industruino button is pressed, it sends 'ENTER', 'UP', 'DOWN' to the server
  • when the server disconnects (timeout of 1min), the Industruino displays 'disconnected'
  • the Industruino client connects again when the 'ENTER' button is pressed

Above is the console output of the simple.js websocket server on a Linux Ubuntu laptop.

The library configuration files need 2 small modifications:

  • config.h needs to refer to the W5500 chip because that is the one used in the Industruino Ethernet module
  • platform.h needs to explicitely state that we have an SAMD architecture; Industruino does not define ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO so we have to include after line 18:
The Serial Monitor has a lot of debugging information in case of trouble.
The code for the client is below; you will need to edit the server IP address as applicable. The code retrieves a unique MAC address from the RTC EEPROM included in the D21G topboard, you can of course set the MAC address manually to any other constant.
   WEBSOCKET DEMO for Industruino
   using library https://github.com/skaarj1989/ArduinoWebSockets
   based on simple-client.ino example

   configure config.h line 24 for W5500 (Ethernet chip used in Industruino Ethernet module)
   edit platform.h to include a line after line 18:
   (because ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO is not defined for Industruino)

   you need a websocket server, e.g. the one included in the library node.js/simple.js (tested on Linux Ubuntu)
   working on Industruino D21G + Ethernet
   > the sketch connects to the server
   > displays a message from the server
   > sends a string message to the server
   > whenever a button is pressed on the Industruino, it sends 'ENTER', 'UP', 'DOWN' to the server
   > displays 'disconnected' when the server closes the connection
   > re-connects again to the server when the Enter button is pressed

#include <WebSocketClient.h>                    // includes SPI and Ethernet2
WebSocketClient client;

#include <Wire.h>                               // for RTC EEPROM MAC
byte mac[6];                                    // read from RTC EEPROM
const char *server = "";
const int port = 3000;

#include <UC1701.h>
static UC1701 lcd;

unsigned long pressed_timestamp;
unsigned long pressed_interval = 200;
boolean ws_connected = false;


void onOpen(WebSocket &ws) {
  lcd.setCursor(0, 6);
  lcd.print("connected       ");
  ws_connected = true;

  char message[] = "Hello from your Industruino websocket client!";
  ws.send(TEXT, message, strlen(message));

void onClose(WebSocket &ws, const eWebSocketCloseEvent code, const char *reason, uint16_t length) {
  lcd.setCursor(0, 6);
  lcd.print("disconnected       ");
  ws_connected = false;


void onMessage(WebSocket &ws, const eWebSocketDataType dataType, const char *message, uint16_t length) {
  switch (dataType) {
    case TEXT:
      SerialUSB.print("Received: "); SerialUSB.println(message);
      lcd.setCursor(0, 6);
      lcd.print("                ");
    case BINARY:
      SerialUSB.println("Received binary data");

void onError(const eWebSocketError code) {
  SerialUSB.print("Error: "); SerialUSB.println(code);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 6);
  lcd.print("error: ");
  lcd.print("            ");


void setup() {

  SerialUSB.println("Starting sketch: WebSocket DEMO");

  Wire.begin();           // for MAC from RTC EEPROM

  pinMode(26, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(26, HIGH);  // LCD full backlight

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("WebSocket DEMO");

  SerialUSB.println("Get unique MAC from RTC EEPROM");
  readMACfromRTC();             // MAC stored in RTC EEPROM

  if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {
    SerialUSB.println("failed to start Ethernet with DCHP, stop here");
    while (true) ;

  SerialUSB.print("Client IP: ");

  lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
  lcd.print("IP: ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 4);

  SerialUSB.print("Trying to connect to server: ");


  if (!client.open(server, port)) {
    SerialUSB.println("Connection failed, stop here");
    lcd.setCursor(0, 6);
    lcd.print("connection failed");
    while (true) ;


void loop() {

  if (SerialUSB.available()) {
    char msg[1];
    msg[0] = SerialUSB.read();
    client.send(TEXT, msg, 1);

  if (!digitalRead(24) && millis() - pressed_timestamp > pressed_interval) {
    char msg[] = "ENTER";
    client.send(TEXT, msg, strlen(msg));
    pressed_timestamp = millis();

    if (!ws_connected) {
      if (!client.open(server, port)) {
        SerialUSB.println("Connection failed, stop here");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 6);
        lcd.print("connection failed");
        while (true) ;

  if (!digitalRead(23) && millis() - pressed_timestamp > pressed_interval) {
    char msg[] = "DOWN";
    client.send(TEXT, msg, strlen(msg));
    pressed_timestamp = millis();

  if (!digitalRead(25) && millis() - pressed_timestamp > pressed_interval) {
    char msg[] = "UP";
    client.send(TEXT, msg, strlen(msg));
    pressed_timestamp = millis();


// the RTC has a MAC address stored in EEPROM - 8 bytes 0xf0 to 0xf7
void readMACfromRTC() {
  SerialUSB.println("READING MAC from RTC EEPROM");
  int mac_index = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {   // read 8 bytes of 64-bit MAC address, 3 bytes valid OUI, 5 bytes unique EI
    byte m = readByte(0x57, 0xf0 + i);
    SerialUSB.print(m, HEX);
    if (i < 7) SerialUSB.print(":");
    if (i != 3 && i != 4) {       // for 6-bytes MAC, skip first 2 bytes of EI
      mac[mac_index] = m;
  SerialUSB.print("Extracted 6-byte MAC address: ");
  for (int u = 0; u < 6; u++) {
    SerialUSB.print(mac[u], HEX);
    if (u < 5) SerialUSB.print(":");

// the RTC has a MAC address stored in EEPROM
uint8_t readByte(uint8_t i2cAddr, uint8_t dataAddr) {
  Wire.endTransmission(false); // don't send stop
  Wire.requestFrom(i2cAddr, 1);
  return Wire.read();