Has anyone tryed to upgrade your industruino by OTA using Ethernet Shield? A brief tutorial should be very interesting...

Joaquín Murillo
Joaquín Murillo
| 2 1 1
Asked on 2/6/18, 9:51 PM

Hi Loic,  

First of all, thanks a lot for the answer. Although I'm very interested in OTA, I'm not the best expert in Arduno IDE. I have a question (by now) with the procedure: What do you mean with the "Make sure to include ResetServer sketch elements in target sketch (otherwise you can't reset the MCU remotely for future firmware uploads)" sentece?

Sorry, I'm just a begginer, but very interested.



Joaquín Murillo
Joaquín Murillo
| 2 1 1
Answered on 3/2/18, 3:39 PM

Hi Joaquín, please select "Industruino D21G" as your board in the boards menu. Then go to "File->Examples->EthernetReset" and open "ResetServer" example sketch. Merge all the code from this example sketch to your own target sketch (copy header elements to header, copy "reset.begin(macAddr, locIp, dnsIp, gwIp, netMask);" to Setup(), copy "reset.check();" to your loop().

Loic De Buck
on 3/5/18, 6:33 AM
Hi Loic,

Many thanks. I'll come back to you with the results.

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 7:33 AM +0100, "Loic De Buck" <connect@industruino.com> wrote:

Hi Joaquín, please select "Industruino D21G" as your board in the boards menu. Then go to "File->Examples->EthernetReset" and open "ResetServer" example sketch. Merge all the code from this example sketch to your own target sketch (copy header elements to header, copy "reset.begin(macAddr, locIp, dnsIp, gwIp, netMask);" to Setup(), copy "reset.check();" to your loop().


Sent by Industruino using Odoo about Forum Post OTA (463)
Joaquín Murillo
on 3/5/18, 7:00 AM

Please check: https://industruino.com/blog/our-news-1/post/remote-sketch-upload-via-ethernet-27

Loic De Buck
Loic De Buck
| 3 1 3
Answered on 2/15/18, 5:47 AM

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Asked: 2/6/18, 9:51 PM
Seen: 3444 times
Last updated: 3/2/18, 3:39 PM